If you need to reach the Public Works Department, please call 262-236-2913
General Public Works inquiries can be e-mailed to kschlereth@ci.mequon.wi.us
If you need to reach the Engineering Division, please call 262-236-2934.
General Engineering inquiries can be e-mailed to engineering@ci.mequon.wi.us.
More specifically, you may reach the following City contacts:
If you have an emergency after hours, please call the non-emergency Police Department number at 262-242-3500.
A Clerk or Dispatch can direct the response as required.
Development reviews, stormwater inquiries, green infrastructure plans, lot grading plans, and specific engineering inquiries:
Kristen Lundeen, 262-236-2938 or klundeen@ci.mequon.wi.us.
Sanitary sewer and water utility inquiries related to as built records, accessibility, requirements, PPI/I programming, and specific utility inquiries:
Kevin Driscoll, 262-236-2937 or kdriscoll@ci.mequon.wi.us.
Culvert permits, bulk water permits, Adopt-A-Roadway, or public works inquiries:
Ren Schlereth, 262-236-2913 or kschlereth@ci.mequon.wi.us.
Parks Reservations and General Parks inquiries:
Ren Schlereth, 262-236-2913 or parks@ci.mequon.wi.us
Forestry and emerald ash borer inquiries:
Mike Gies, 262-512-1297 or mgies@ci.mequon.wi.us.
Drainage inquiries:
John Westbrooke, 262-236-2936 or jwestbrooke@ci.mequon.wi.us.
Road program inquiries:
Jeremy Dandy, 262-236-2932 or jdandy@ci.mequon.wi.us.
Also available: Kristen Lundeen, Director of Public Works and City Engineer, 262-236-2938 or klundeen@ci.mequon.wi.us
or Tim Weyker, Deputy Director of Public Works, 262-236-8145 or tweyker@ci.mequon.wi.us.
September 1-October -
City Crews assess and mark trees for removal in the upcoming winter season
This marking will be done with a pink paint dot signifying which tree(s) will be removed.
(Green markings signify a contracted removal)
Resident's may receive a letter from City personnel stating they identified a tree(s) within the City road right-of-way that needs to be removed.
December - May, weather dependent
Winter Tree Removals of road right-of-way tree(s) will occur during the winter months and are no charge to the resident.
City crews will return to remove the stumps and complete restoration.
Fall Replacement Tree Planting Letters mailed to residents
Fall Replacement Tree Planting Letters due back from residents to City Staff
September to November
Fall Replacement Tree Planting Occurs
Free Logs and Wood Available for Pick-Up at the Brush Site
Currently, wood chips, logs for firewood and compost are available for City of Mequon residents.
No permit is necessary if you are only taking chips and logs.
To reduce the cost of year-end grinding of the material, the City will also allow non-residents to take the logs and not require a driver’s license for admittance.
Logs and wood are from the City’s tree trimming operations. It will require additional cutting and splitting (See attached image below). The City provides no assistance in loading. On Wednesdays and Saturdays when the Brush and Yard Waste Disposal Center is open for residents, no commercial equipment to assist in loading is allowed on-site and load size is limited to approximately two cubic yards. However, if residents or contractors are interested in taking a larger quantity of logs or use commercial equipment for loading, please contact the Public Works Department at 262-236-2913 to schedule a time for log removal.
Logs will be available on a first come, first served basis. Contacting the Public Works Department with an interest in log wood does not guarantee availability. However, the City continues to remove trees through the fall; therefore additional logs may become available later in the season