Upon receipt of an inquiry, an evaluation checklist form is filled out and referred to a specific person for investigation. That staff person will contact the inquirer within a week of when the inquiry was received. This may be in the form of a phone call. A letter acknowledging the receipt will also be mailed with the assigned inquiry number.
An on-site inspection will be conducted to determine if the matter is private or public and whether there is additional investigation needed to determine a solution to public drainage areas of concern. The evaluation checklist is used at this stage to determine the priority of the area of concern. The results of the evaluation will be provided to the inquirer as well as the next steps. City staff will reach out with a phone call and follow up with a letter.
The prioritization and evaluation of the area of concern follows the Drainage Policy. The entirety of the policy is attached below for download.
Some projects are placed on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) list. The CIP prioritization list is reviewed yearly by the Public Works Committee, typically in June. The original inquirer is notified of the meeting with a letter. The public is welcome to attend this meeting.
Attached below is the City’s flow chart for drainage complaints and capital improvement plan. Funding is determined every year at budget time. The 1999 City wide stormwater management plan is also attached for reference.