Implementation of Temporary Speed Radar Signs for speeding concerns in residential areas.

Temporary Speed Sign Signup

The Police Department would like to introduce a new tool to assist with Speeding Deterrence.

Expected to start April 2024


The purpose of this project is to address and alleviate concerns regarding speeding in residential areas by implementing the use of speed radar signs. These signs will serve as a proactive measure to promote safer driving habits, raise awareness about speed limits, and improve overall road safety for residents and pedestrians.  (The full policy is attached below).


The project is designed to achieve the following objectives:

- Speed Awareness and Education

- Speeding Deterrence

- Addressing complaints about speeding


If you have a concern about speeding in your residential area, you can make a request for a temporary speed sign placement by following these steps:

1. Visit the City/Police Department website

2. Look for the "Temporary Speed Sign Request" form at the bottom of this page

3. Fill out the form with your name, address, and contact information

4. Specify the location of the speeding concern located in your neighborhood

5. Email the completed form to the designated PD Representatives

The Police Department will then receive your request and coordinate with the Department of Public Works to place the speed sign in the designated location.


The implementation of this policy may assist with reducing speeding incidents and complaints in residential areas, promote safer driving habits, and create a greater sense of security for residents and pedestrians. By raising awareness and working towards deterring speeding, the City aims to create a culture of responsible driving that prioritizes the safety and well-being of our residential communities.

If you have any concerns or would like to request a speed sign placement in your area, please follow the procedures outlined above. Together, we can work towards creating safer streets for everyone. Thank you for your commitment to promoting road safety in our community.