
City Hall

Let's crunch the numbers.

The tax rate, or mill rate, is determined by the levy and tax base. Per the table below, the general tax rate of $3.15/$1,000 represents an increase of 3.28% from the previous fiscal year. The slight increase in 2017 wen to directly supporting key public services and infrastructure. The City strives to use every tax dollar as judicially as possible and work on behalf of residents and business to keep the tax rate consistent from year to year. Additionally, Property owners within the City’s Sewer Service Area have a second line on their tax bill reflecting the Sewer Utility Fund tax levy. For 2017, the mill rate increase from $1.89 to $1.90/$1000. 

Levy Year General Assessed Tax Rate:
$X.XX/$,1,000 of Assessed Value
Sewer Assessed Tax Rate:
$X.XX/$1,000 of Assessed Value
2016 $3.15  $1.90
2015 $3.05 $1.89
2014 $3.05 $1.88
2013 $3.05 $1.76
2012 $3.04 $1.79
2011 $3.04 $1.87



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Dollar Bill Image
Breakdown of tax rate by Jurisdiction Chart