According to City Ordinances, all dogs in the City must be licensed yearly. The dog license fee must be paid at City Hall. Payment may be combined on one check with your property taxes. A current rabies immunization statement from a veterinarian must be on file at the time of application. Mailed statements will not be returned. The Finance Department accepts checks or cash only.
Nonneutered male or unspayed female $15.00
Neutered male or spayed female $10.00
Late charge fee for dogs licensed after March 31 $5.00
An Animal fanciers permit shall be obtained from the City to allow the keeping of more than three but no more than five dogs in Zoning Districts R1 - R6.
Please contact the Finance Department for a Fanciers Permit form and bring rabies certificates for each dog along with payment by check or cash only.
Please see Municipal Code link for more information.