City of Mequon Weekly Bulletin - January 25, 2019

Upcoming Meetings
Public Welfare Committee: January 29 – 6:00 P.M. (Agenda)
Park and Open Space Board: January 30 –6:30 P.M. (Agenda)
Mequon-Thiensville Bike and Pedestrian Way Commission: February 7 – 8:00 A.M.

Contractor to Perform Quality Control Exams on Sewer Lateral Project
The City’s contractor, Musson Brothers, will be performing quality control exams on the lateral sewer project that is known as the Private Property Inflow and Infiltration reduction project or PPI/I.  Residents on Shoreland Drive and Corey Lane may notice crews and their equipment in the roadways completing the exams next week.  These quality control exams are part of an effort, in coordination with MMSD, to ensure the cured-in-place pipe (also known as the “liner”) product certification requirements are met by the technology provider, LMK, for warranty purposes.  A letter will be going out to property owners if additional exams are required.

East Trunk Sewer Project Overcomes Setback and Remains ahead of Schedule
Tunnel work is ahead of schedule; however, the project had its first setback this week.  The tunneling of 48-inch diameter sewer is nearly complete, but while boring a section of 24-inch diameter pipe in the last remaining portion of this project, an auger casing failed and needed to be excavated this week along Donges Bay Road.  City staff in coordination with the contractor met with the adjacent property owner and discussed the impact to the public right of way in front of their house. The excavation of the failed segment was completed and backfilled.  Due to contractor’s scheduling and winter weather, the contractor plans to resume work next week for the final stages of the last third of the project.

Stay Warm during Cold Weather Events
Try to stay indoors during extremely cold weather. Make any trips outside brief to help protect your health and safety. Click here to view winter weather safety tips from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.