
Help keep Mequon's roadsides beautiful!

Adopt-A-Road Program is an initiative that allows individuals, community groups, businesses, or organizations to volunteer their time and effort to help maintain and clean up a designated stretch of roadway within a community.


This program holds many benefits including litter reduction, community pride, cost savings, environmental stewardship, safety, beautification, and collaboration.


If you or your organization are interested in the Adopt-A-Road Program, please review the materials below and complete the application. 


If you have questions, contact The Department of Public Works at 262-236-2913



General Conditions (see application form for a full set of terms & conditions)


1.  Application

  1. Check the map below to see what roadway sections are available.
  2. Complete the application form and submit it to the City of Mequon Highway Department for approval. (instructions on form)

2.  Prior to clean-up

  1. Organize group and have volunteers watch the DOT safety video.
  2. Group leaders download and share with your group, the Wisconsin DOT Safety Sheet. The safety rules outlined in this sheet also applies to the City of Mequon Adopt-A-Roadway program. The contacts, however, for the Mequon program are listed on the clean-up report.
  3. Fill out the Adopt-A-Roadway work plan and hold harmless agreement forms and submit them to the City of Mequon Highway Department. (instructions on forms) Note: Groups may not clean up their adopted section of roadway until the hold harmless agreement (signed by every group participant) is submitted to the city.
  4. Arrange to pick up required safety vests, garbage bags, litter grabbers, etc. during highway department regular business hours.


  1. Group cleans up their “adopted” section of roadway!
  2. Group leaders fill out clean-up report. The clean-up report has contact information that may be needed during clean-up and provides an area for comments or recommendations.

4.  After clean-up

  1. Each sponsor group shall submit the completed clean-up report and return the borrowed clean-up supplies.
  2. After two successful clean-ups, the city will erect the sponsor signs.
  3. Groups wishing to stop cleaning up their “adopted” segment of roadway shall complete the notice of abandonment form to make the segment available to other groups.